Coffee talks

My Beauty Emergency Bag

Hello everyone, today I decided to write a blog post on different topic then usually. I created a new category called “coffee talks” which will cover things and topic such as about what you would talk about with your friends over the cup of coffee.

Today’s topic I will talk about is What’s in my beauty emergency bag?

I think that every girl should have one like this always with her. It is a small bag full of things you might maybe not need on daily basis but once you need them you will be lost without it.

This my little bag is from Primark, but I like to switch them according to what purse I am wearing and I take it almost always with me unless my purse is smaller than my beauty emergency bag.

IMG_7025 Continue reading “My Beauty Emergency Bag”

Study tips

Advantages of taking digital notes

With today’s technology innovations, there is a lot of ways how you can take your notes. Whether is in on your computer, recording them and listen to them on your way to school or just using iPad apps such as Goodnotes.

If you are a stationery lover like me you probably enjoy writing notes in “old school way” just by writing on paper. However, while taking handwritten notes can be very enjoyable and look prettier, I found out that writing digital notes have a lot of advantages.

  1. You can help to save the planet!

Have you ever thought about how much trees are destroyed for notebooks and papers? Isn’t it sad when you see cut trees and half empty forest? Using digital ‘paper’ can at least help with saving some trees, however, it will not prevent it from happening.

2. You can organise everything easily without taking up too much space in your room

You have less paper, so also less mess around you and it is also easier to organise your notes into different files and notebooks. And if you save them it will not happen that you throw some important notes by mistake. Or your dog will not destroy your homework 😀

3. You can delete, erase and so much more 

Deleting and erasing never been easier with the gum tool and your notes will look still nice and neat if that’s what you are going for.

4. If you don’t have nice handwriting you can select your notes and transfer them into fonts which will be easier to read

5. You save a lot of money

While buying an iPad and note-taking apps can be expensive, just imagine how much money you will save on stationery. Once you buy an iPad and app such as Goodnotes you don’t have to spend any more money on monthly payments. You don’t have to buy any more pens or notebooks for every subject you have and plus is that everything is in one place, saved for next years of your studies if you will need them.



Others · planning · Uncategorized

3 step guide on how to plan and accomplish your goals

I don’t know why is that just at this time of the year we set up and plan new goals and new resolutions. I think that we should do it all the time in order to grow and become a better version of us and not only do planning once a year (in New Year). However, I know that most of you probably plan new goals and resolution just now (same as me :D) and therefore I decided to write a new blog post about how to actually accomplish your goals and not only to plan them without end results.

Step by step guide on how to plan and accomplish your goals:

  1. Choose goals in each area of your life

Plan your goals for everything and not just for your carrier for example. If you plan goals in all areas of your life you will feel more motivated to become more productive and achieve what you want.

These are areas that I use when I plan my goals:

  • school
  • work
  • health
  • social life
  • personal
  • financial
  • hobby
  • house/organisation

2. Don’t be afraid!

Don’t be afraid to select multiple goals in each area. Do anything in order to become who you want to be and being afraid that you will not accomplish all your goals should not stop you from at least just trying.

I personally write about 5 goals for each area of my life.

3. Be more specific

Be more specific about how you will accomplish your goals. This is the secret behind accomplishing them and not only just planning and hoping that your goals will achieve by themselves. The important thing when you plan your goals is to set up some specific date until which you wish to accomplish a certain goal. It will become like that more likely that you will try to achieve it. Also writing step by step plan on how to achieve your goals is very helpful because it helps you separate one big task into small actions which are much easier to accomplish.

I hope you found these short tips at least a little helpful, and that you will feel more motivated to plan and achieve your goals.

What are your goals and resolutions for 2019? Do you want me to share with you my goals and resolutions?


Happy New Year


Good morning everyone,

ready for 2019? I know that I took a long blogging break but New Year comes with new resolutions and new goals and one of them is for me definitely to write more often!

I hope all of you have beautiful holidays and will enjoy New Year’s Eve as best as you can. This is the first year that I will spend in Edinburgh and not in my hometown Bratislava. My sister came to visit me from Slovakia and we will go to celebrate together to one of the biggest street festivals known as Hogmanay festival, so I am pretty excited. However, it will be really windy so I hope that fireworks will not be cancelled like on the bonfire.

I started my morning by being more productive, planning my goals and new posts that I will share with you in another article.

This one was short but I just wanted to wish you happy holidays and let you know that I am still here and didn’t forget about my followers.

Love you all ❤

P.s.: How you will celebrate your New Year’s Eve?




Book review: The diary of a young girl

“Go outside, to the country, enjoy the sun and all nature has to offer. Go outside and try to recapture the happiness within yourself; think of all the beauty in yourself and in everything around you and be happy.”

Hello everyone. Today I decided to share with you some of my thoughts about the book that I finished reading this week called The diary of a young girl.

*My review will contain some spoilers so if you didn’t read this book yet, don’t continue.  Continue reading “Book review: The diary of a young girl”


I am back <3 /Book club

Hello everyone. I am back after longer break and I know that I didn’t post that much but I have been bussy because I started my new full time job (yeey). That means I will finally be able to buy almost everything from my wishlist but also it means less time for my blog 😦 but only for September because after I should be working part time when my school starts 🙂 However, I will try to do my best and post more often.

With my new full time job I had to also create different morning routine because waking up at 5 am is something new for me and I also have to find time for my hobby, full time job, free time and University at the same time. But I am still not sure how I will be able to do all this so wish me luck <3.

I have also some happy news for you and that is from this September I started book club which you can join here on Facebook or on my Instagram here. If you love reading and are fun of discovering new books or just love to read reviews and thoughts of others than please feel free to join. 

I would like to also kindly ask you not to be only silent reader but also to participate in conversation in comments and share your thoughts with us so we know that you are member of our group 🙂

Every week I will post new book and after reading it I will share with you review and if you read it I would love to hear yours 🙂 I am sure it will be a lot of fun and what is better time to start reading than autumn?

Don’t wait too long and join because memberships on my Facebook group are limited.  

How was your weekend? And what is your favourite book you read recently? 

Others · Study tips

How to stop wasting your time and achieve your goals?

We all have 24 hours available in hour days but its all about us how we decide to use them. Maybe you are wondering why some people are more successful and live their dream lives while you are watching motivational videos and don’t see any difference. That is because they use their time reasonably. In order to become successful and achieve your goals, you need to use your precious time for the things that will help you accomplish your goals.

Here are some of my tips on how to stop wasting your time and how to use it in order to achieve your goals and dreams.

Continue reading “How to stop wasting your time and achieve your goals?”


Book of the week: Danielle Steel – The Mistress

The MistressLove, art, theft and money…

…. This is all that this book is about. If you like to read stories about art and love you will love this book the same as I did. I bought this book in a small bookshop in Bali and couldn’t stop reading it until I finished. I read in the car, on the boat, on the trip…everywhere I could and I love happy ends too so I wasn’t disappointed.

I didn’t know Danielle Steel before but I will definitely buy more books from her. 🙂 

Rating: ***** (10/10)

About the book:

Continue reading “Book of the week: Danielle Steel – The Mistress”


How do I​ read so much? + 6 tips for reading more

Hello everyone, today I decided to write something different and that is on the topic which is one of my favourite hobbies and that is reading. I love to read since I was small and sometimes I feel like I read more books in my childhood than now but I am slowly changing that and turning reading into my new habit.

In this blog post, I would like to give you some tips on how to read more.


Continue reading “How do I​ read so much? + 6 tips for reading more”

Others · Travel

Back from Bali and my happy announcement

Hello, everyone, I am finally back after the almost one-month long holiday. I was thinking that I will be able to write articles from the hotel but bad internet connection didn’t allow me to so I want to apologize to all of my followers for being “quiet” for a long time but sometimes we all need a break. 


What you can find in this blog post?

  • Where I have been for so long time?
  • Earthquake on Bali
  • My 1st-year school results
  • Plans for the future articles
  • New books for next semester
  • New job?

Continue reading “Back from Bali and my happy announcement”